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Psychotherapy  //

It can happen to everyone to experience personal psychological problems at one time or another. Each person has their own resources that allow them to face life and its share of trials.


However, it sometimes happens that the person's resources are no longer sufficient and that he temporarily needs outside help to support him. Psychotherapy is an effective option to help get through difficult periods of life or to change aspects of oneself in order to be more in harmony with the being that we are. Commitment to psychotherapy is first and foremost a commitment to oneself, and motivation for well-being is an essential component to its effectiveness.

Duration of sessions: 50 minutes

Sessions with the psychologist are usually one-on-one, but may also include the spouse or other family members. This is usually a follow-up on a weekly basis which can be more or less long-term, depending on the nature of the difficulties and the objectives targeted.

There are different approaches in psychology . An integrative approach means that the psychologist uses techniques from various approaches depending on the problem presented by the client.

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Candidates for the profession of psychologist | PhD students


Estrya Health  gives the opportunity to young professionals in the process of obtaining their license to practice to offer psychotherapy services and develop their clientele. Their services are offered under the supervision of a senior psychologist, Maryse  Benoît. The follow-ups can take place in the premises of Estrya Santé or in their office  in Sherbrooke.


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For more information on the role of the psychologist and on psychotherapy


Contact The Order of Psychologists of Quebec

(514) 738-1223

1 (800)  561-1223

Most insurance contracts provide at least partial reimbursement of psychological consultation fees.

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